Firm Registration

ESI/PF Registration

Get PF/ESI Registration in ₹3,000/- (All inclusive)

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Employees’ State Insurance Corporation is a statutory corporate body set up under the ESI Act 1948, which is responsible for the administration of ESI Scheme. The ESI is a self-financed social security comprehensive scheme devised to protect the employees against financial distress such as sickness, disablement or death due to employment injuries. Employee State Insurance scheme is applicable to all the factories and establishments defined in ESI Act 1948 having 10 or more employees employed during the previous year. However, insurance is deducted for those employees only whose wages for the month is upto Rs. 21,000. The establishments falling under this category are required to register under the act within 15 days of the applicability
EPF stands for Employee Provident Fund that is a scheme for providing monetary benefit to all salaried employees which act as the best investment methods. Any organization that has a count of employees more than 20 must get registered under EPFO. The employer must get the establishment registered within 1 month of reaching the limit of 20 employees.
Firm Registration


Employee State Insurance scheme

is applicable to all the factories and establishments where: Organization having count of employee 10 or more and. Their monthly wage is not more than Rs 21,000.

Employee Provident Fund scheme

is applicable to all the factories and establishments where: Organization having count of employee 20 or more and. Their monthly wage is not more than Rs 15000.

Firm Registration

Advantages of PF/ESI Registration

ESI Benefits

Medical benefit Sickness benefit Maternity benefit Disablement benefit Dependents benefit Funeral expenses Rehabilitation allowance

EPF Benefits

Tax Benefits Premature withdrawal Pension Benefits Financial Support Contribution by employee Long Term Planning Interest benefits

Firm Registration

Documents Required

Firm Registration

Process of Registration of PF/ESI

Complete the Application Form

You are requested to first fill the simple questionnaire provided by our expert team.

Document Processing

At the second step we will be requiring the documents in accordance with the questionnaire filled by you so that we can arrange them as per the requirement and for processing.

Filing of Application

We will apply for your ESI/EPFO application along with the documents and other declarations online at Shram Suvidha Portal.

Issuance of Certificate

After the processing and verification of application ESI and PFI number will be generated and will be communicated to you via mail and call.

Firm Registration


Employer has the responsibility to contribute in the ESI fund by deducting the employees’ contribution from wages and combining it with their own contribution.
Employer has to deposit the combined contributions within 15 days of the last day of the Calendar month. The payments can be made online or to authorized designated branches of the State Bank of India and some other banks.
Firm Registration

ESI Monthly Contribution

The employer and employee have to contribute at the rates specified by the government from time to time. The contribution to ESI fund is as follows by the employer and employee:

Employee: Employee has to contribute 0.75% of his basic wages

Employer: Employer has to contribute 3.25% of the basic wage.

Firm Registration

ESI Monthly Contribution

Firm Registration


Employer has the responsibility to contribute in the EPFO fund by deducting the employees’ contribution from wages and combining it with their own contribution.

Employer has to deposit the combined contributions within 15 days of the last day of the Calendar month. The payments can be made online or to authorized designated branches of the State Bank of India and some other banks.

Firm Registration

EPF Monthly Contribution

The employer and employee have to contribute at the rates specified by the government from time to time. The contribution to EPF fund is as follows by the employer and employee:

Employer and Employee shall contribute 12% of employees’ basic wages and dearness allowances

Firm Registration

Types of Provident Fund

Firm Registration

FAQs on PF/ESI Registration

On whom ESI is applicable?

ESI is applicable to companies having a minimum of 10 employees or as notified by the Central Government.

What is ESI leave?

The Employees State Insurance scheme under the ESI, Act, 1948 provides social security coverage to workers employed in various factories and establishments, and covers contingencies such as sickness, maternity leave, and physical disablement or death due to employment injury resulting in loss of wages or earning.

Is there any age limit for ESI?

There is no age limit for ESIC Contributions. But for PF Contributions, if employee crosses 58 Yrs of age his Pension fund will also be remitted in the Provident funds account itself.

Can I withdraw my ESI money?

There is no age limit for ESIC Contributions. But for PF Contributions, if employee crosses 58 Yrs of age his Pension fund will also be remitted in the Provident funds account itself.

Who is not eligible for EPF?

Employees drawing up to Rs. 15000 per month have to mandatorily become members of the EPF.

What is the minimum salary to deduct PF?

The minimum mandatory PF contribution shall be Rs 1,800 per month i.e.12% of Rs 15,000

Is TDS deducted on PF withdrawal?

TDS is deducted on EPF is at the rate of 10% on EPF balance if withdrawn before 5 years and if not withdrawn it would not be taxable at all. You should require mentioning PAN at the time of withdrawal if PAN is not provided TDS will be deducted at highest slab rate i.e. 30%.

Can we take loan on PF?

An individual having PF account can make withdrawal funds from the account as loan. Partial withdrawal is possible in case the loan is towards buying or repairing a house. The employee should be in service with the employer for at least 5 years to get eligible to take loan against PF.

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